ACM Customer Support
Your ACM Customer Experience Begins Here
In addition to our leading-edge technology and world-class products, we are committed to providing you with unrivaled customer service and support. When you become an ACM Research customer, you become our process and technology partner. Your needs inspire innovation and provide input for customized solutions that improve tool uptime and increase output.

ACM Research Collaboration After Install
Our partnership extends far beyond tool development and installation. You can count on us to support your ACM systems throughout their lifetime. We continue to collaborate after the tool is installed to optimize your system so that it meets the needs of your manufacturing environment.
ACM Research Applications and Process Support
Our tools are designed to ramp quickly and maintain peak uptime. But leading-edge performance doesn’t stop with our tools. Our system engineers are experts in what’s needed to produce your next-generation devices. We work right alongside your technicians to train them on all the applications to ensure you get high yields from your ACM tools. Additionally, our customized software solutions don’t just optimize your tools, they help optimize your entire fab.
ACM Research Offers Spare Parts and Services Right Where you Need it
The ACM tools in your fab should never be without access to spare parts, so we’ve made ours available worldwide through depots strategically located near your facilities. We work with you continuously to ensure our stock levels accommodate your consumable and non-consumable needs. Spare parts purchased directly from us come with a warranty, and we guarantee their performance.
ACM Research Provides Global Support Whenever and Wherever You Need It
Our global support capabilities are available in all corners of the world. We’ve got feet on the ground in Europe, Asia, and North America. When you work with our local and global support teams, you’ll tap into years of semiconductor equipment service experience. Remote tool access allows our emergency response teams to respond immediately to your service requests, both on- and offsite.
Contact Us
Looking for spare parts and customer support for your ACM Research Systems? We’re here to help!